Result of Ketu in 10th house in Taurus Ascendant
Due to the effect of Ketu placed on the Aquarius sign of its friend Saturn in the tenth center, father and state house, the native experiences some decline in the relationship with his father. Similarly, in the field of state and honor and prestige, he gets normal success with some difficulties. Outwardly, the native appears to be rich, happy and respected, but internally he remains weak. Sometimes he has to face special difficulties in the field of his progress. Such a native is hardworking and courageous.
Auspicious effects of Ketu planet in the tenth house
The famous ‘Acharya Shri Gopal Ji’ of Mangal Bhavan and with many years of experience in astrology, has told us in detail about the role of Ketu planet in the tenth house of the birth chart through this article. Because when Ketu planet is placed in any of the 12 houses of the horoscope, then it has many auspicious and inauspicious effects on the life of the affected person-
According to the data of astrology, if Ketu is placed in the tenth house in the horoscope of a person, then the personality of such a person is very strong, who is highly intelligent and skilled in many crafts. These people have self-acquired knowledge or such a person may have degrees of being proficient in many education or arts. Along with this, such people can also earn a lot of fame and reputation in their entire life.
People affected by Ketu planet in the tenth house have a deep impact on others. The enemies of such people also do not shy away from praising them. However, it is always advisable to be cautious of enemies because there may be a possibility of some purpose or conspiracy behind their praise.
Apart from this, Ketu planet affects the person both positively and negatively. This is because if other planets are also placed with Ketu in the horoscope, then they will also give the same effect. For example, if Saturn is also placed with Ketu in the tenth house, then the same effect will be on the life of the native which will be determined by Saturn.
The position of Saturn with Ketu in the tenth house shows that if Saturn is positive in the horoscope, then the effect of Ketu will also be pleasant for the native and the native will also get the support of luck in life. Along with this, the natives affected by Ketu in this house can have a serious approach towards life and they can be highly worried about themselves. Such natives get good opportunities in their life.
If Ketu planet is positive in the horoscope of a native, then such natives are generous in behavior and if they keep their character true and pure, then it will be helpful for them to get benefits. The natives affected by Ketu planet in the tenth house believe in always forgiving their brothers for the misdeeds done by them.
Inauspicious effects of Ketu in the tenth house
If we talk about the inauspicious results of Ketu, then if Ketu is afflicted in the tenth house, then it can make the native mentally unhealthy. In such a situation, these natives can get involved in unnecessary activities or useless efforts. Due to the inauspicious effects of Ketu, such natives can also be arrogant by nature. These natives may lack mental peace and happiness and their life can also be quite unfortunate in which they may have to face many types of difficulties.
There may also be a possibility of an accident with such a native while driving. Apart from this, due to the inauspicious position of Ketu planet in this house, the affected native may have to face problems in his life, especially in matters of finance and career. The professional life of such natives can be very stressful and due to high levels of stress, the native may have to face a very tough time to deal with it.
Therefore, it is advised by astrology to these natives that the native suffering from the inauspicious effects of Ketu planet in the tenth house should stay away from adultery and other immoral acts. Apart from this, these natives must also keep a pet dog at their residence, especially after reaching the mid-40s. Due to the inauspicious effects of Ketu, the lifespan of the native’s father may be reduced. Thus, the ill effects of Ketu in the tenth house can be removed by proper remedies.