Information about the law and other important rules of worship of Mother Siddhidatri on the ninth day of Navratri
Mata Siddhidatri is worshiped on the ninth day of Navratri. Her name meaning is Siddhi meaning spiritual power and Datri meaning giver. That is, the one who gives siddhi. The Goddess removes the evils and darkness from the devotees and fills the light of knowledge.
Mother Siddhidatri’s Form
Mother Siddhidatri is seated on a lotus and she rides a lion. She has four arms in which she holds a mace in the right hand and a chakra in the other right hand and a conch shell and a lotus flower in both the left hands respectively. This form of Goddess is the giver of all kinds of siddhis.
Mythological beliefs
According to mythological beliefs, Lord Shiva worshiped Goddess Siddhidatri to get all kinds of siddhis. Then the goddess pleased with his penance gave all the accomplishments to Shiva. Then half of Shiva’s body became that of Goddess Siddhidatri. After which Shiva was called Ardhanarishvara.
Goddess Siddhidatri controls the planet Ketu. The evil effects of Ketu are reduced by worshiping the Goddess.