Do Diwali Pujan in the auspicious time according to the time of your zodiac sign and you will become very rich in the whole year!


Do Diwali Pujan in the auspicious time according to the time of your zodiac sign and you will become very rich in the whole year!

🌞🌳 🕉Do Diwali Pujan in the auspicious time according to the time of your zodiac sign and you will become very rich in the whole year!

🌞🌳 🕉Four special times for Diwali Puja

👉1- Scorpio Lagna-
This Lagna comes on the morning of Diwali. In Scorpio Lagna, Puja is done in temples, schools, hospitals, colleges etc. People associated with politics and artists etc. worship in this Lagna.

👉2- Aquarius Lagna-
This is the Lagna of the afternoon of Diwali. In this Lagna, it is auspicious for sick people or those who are facing a lot of loss in business, whose Saturn’s bad Mahadasha is going on, to worship in this Lagna.

👉3- Taurus Lagna-
This Lagna is usually found on the evening of Diwali and it is considered best for householders and businessmen to worship in this Lagna.

👉4- Leo Lagna-
This Lagna falls around midnight of Diwali and it is auspicious for Tantrik, Sanyasi etc. to worship in this Lagna.

Time duration of Lagna according to Delhi:-

👉Scorpio Lagna:- 07:00 to 10:10

👉Aquarius Lagna:- 13:57 to 15:24

👉Taurus Lagna:- 18:24 to 20:19

👉Leo Lagna:- 00:59 to 03:16

🕉🚩Mahanishith Kaal:-

In Mahanishith Kaal, invocation and worship of Dhan Lakshmi, worship of cash box and havan etc. are done. Shri Mahalakshmi Pujan, Mahakali Pujan, Lekhni, Kuber Pujan, chanting of other Vedic Tantric Mantras are performed.

Mahanisith Kaal will be from 23:38 to 24:30 minutes in the night. Cancer Lagna and Leo Lagna are auspicious in this time period. Therefore, forgetting the inauspicious Chaughadiyas, if any work is started in Pradosh Kaal or Nishith Kaal and is completed in this Mahanishith Kaal, then also it is considered auspicious. If the worship time in Mahanishith Kaal is Cancer Lagna in Char Lagna, followed by Sthir Lagna, Leo Lagna, then it is considered especially auspicious. Due to Cancer Lagna and Leo Lagna in Mahanishith Kaal, this time has become auspicious. Those who want to perform Deepawali Puja according to the scriptures, can use this time period for worship. The Tantra Prayog done in this, Maran, Mohan, Vashikaran, Uchchatan, Stambhan etc. are done by the Tantrikas. Any mantra recited during this time becomes Siddhi. During this time all the demonic powers are awakened. During this time all types of mantras like Ghor, Aghor, Dabar, Sabar become Siddhi. During this time sadhaks use Ulluk Tantra. Panch type of Puja, Kali Puja, Tara, Chhinnamasta, Bagulamukhi Puja are performed during this time. Those who want to perform Deepawali Puja according to the scriptures should use this time period for Puja. In Taurus and Leo Lagna, recitation of Kanakdhara and Lalitasahasranaam is considered to be especially beneficial.

🕉🚩Deepdaan Muhurat:

Pradosh Kaal (fifth part of the night is called Pradosh Kaal) is considered to be especially auspicious for Laxmi Puja Deepdaan. On the day of Deepawali, Pradosh Kaal will be from 05:50 PM to 08:27 PM.

🕉🚩Lakshmi Pujan According to Zodiac Signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

These three are fire element dominant signs, worship of Dhan Lakshmi is especially beneficial for these zodiac signs, install that form of Maa Lakshmi in which she has a heap of grains. Install Lakshmiji’s form on a heap of rice, light a ghee lamp in front of her, offer her a silver coin. After the worship, keep the same silver coin in your money place.

🕉🚩Gemini, Libra and Aquarius

For these zodiac signs, worship of Gajalakshmi is special, worship Gaj Lakshmi to get money in business, install that form of Lakshmiji in which she has elephants on both sides, light three ghee lamps in front of Lakshmiji, offer a lotus or rose flower to Maa Lakshmi, after the worship, keep the same flower in your safe.

🕉🚩Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn:-

For the people of this zodiac sign, worship of Aishwarya Lakshmi is special. For increase in wealth in job, worship Aishwarya Lakshmi, install Lakshmiji with Ganeshji, offer yellow flowers to Ganeshji and pink flowers to Lakshmiji, offer Ashtagandh at the feet of Lakshmiji, apply the same Ashtagandh Tilak every morning after bath.

🕉🚩Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces:-

For this zodiac sign, worship of Varalakshmi is special. To avoid loss of wealth, install that form of Lakshmiji in the worship of Var Jaipur Lakshmi. In which she is standing and giving money, offer coins and notes in front of her, after worship keep this amount in your safe, do not spend it. By worshipping with the above mentioned rituals, Bhuvneshwar Mahalakshmi will be pleased with you and there will be prosperity and happiness in the house.

🕉🚩Muhurat of Diwali Puja in India (31.10.2024):-

👉Time for worship at business place, Aquarius Ascendant:- 13:57 to 15:24

👉Time for worship at home, Taurus Ascendant:- 18:24 to 20:19

👉Time for worship in the morning, Scorpio Ascendant:- 07:00 to 10:10

👉Time for Sadhana and Siddhi, Leo Ascendant:- 00:59 to 03:16

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Akshay Jamdagni Expert in Solution by Astro, Vastu
Akshay Jamdagni Expert in Solution by Astro, Vastu

Written by Akshay Jamdagni Expert in Solution by Astro, Vastu

Consultant Astrologer and Vaastu expert: Akshay Jamdagni, Years of experience in Jyotish, Vastu & Numerology, etc

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